
Series Overview:  PRESS PLAY

You have a playlist, a mixed tape or a record that plays in your head. 

It’s filled with tunes and voices that tell you who we are not, who you should be and what you are worth. Ultimately, the voices of these tunes get stuck on shuffle, they beat us down and rob us of our confidence - the confidence God wants for you.

During this series, we want to turn up the volume on God’s playlist - a playlist filled with all God has to say about you. We want to crank up God’s voice in your ear so that you can live a life filled with the confidence God wants for you. We want you to begin to see yourself the same way that Jesus sees you so that real confidence can take root and grow.

Message Videos

Week 1
Does anyone really know me?


Week 3
How can I make a difference in the world?

Week 2
What do I do with my longing for belonging?


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