
Series Overview: #FOR

Most people are more familiar with what the church is against, rather than what the church is “for.” We could make a laundry list of all the things the church has been against throughout history: smoking, dancing, drinking, gambling…(having fun). Which is ironic, because Jesus’ message in the Bible – over and over again - was all about who God was for! The Bible is clear: Jesus was for peace, for inviting and loving your neighbors, for the poor, for the lost, for community, for children, for sharing, for not fearing, for inclusion, for thankfulness, peace, hope and joy! …and Jesus was for YOU!

Of all the institutions in the world, the church should be known for what it is for. For families, couples, singles, students, and children. For the young and the old. For Republicans and Democrats. For those who have it all together and those whose lives are messier than messy. The church is for all people because God is for all people. The most famous verse in the Bible clearly states this: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.” - John 3:16

During this series, we’re going to uncover the people, things and life God is FOR!

Series Messages

Week 1
What do you want to be known FOR?


Week 3
Am I HOLY enough?


Week 5
Is God FAIR?

Week 2
What do we do with THOSE people?


Week 4
How do I do hard things?


Week 6


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