Series Overview:
The Perfect Couple

February 4, 2024 - February 8, 2024
2 Week Series

A mini-series for those who are married, were married, want to be married, don’t want to get married and those who wonder why you would ever get married.

Most of us have been led to believe that there is an ideal marriage - a perfect marriage - out there. Truth is: There are no perfect marriages.

It’s February. Valentine's month, and we have love on our minds, or if not at least in the stores. We all at one time or another have imagined our love lives to look a certain way. We put hope, desire, expectations, and dreams into one person for the rest of our lives. We look at couples on social media or out dining together and they seem so happy. We think “I want that” and compare it to our relationship. Whether you're single, dating, married, divorced, widowed, or remarried, God has a lot to say about how we are in relationships with other people.


(We will be uploading video sermons and materials for download each week as they become available!)

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