July 3, 2022 - July 24, 2022
4 Week Series

Series Overview: Summer Baggae

We all carry stuff - some good, some not so good. And when we come to church, it’s easy to leave our stuff in the parking lot, then walk into the church building with a smile, as if our stuff doesn’t really exist. But what if that isn’t at all what church was meant to be. Jesus invites us to something different.

This four-week series uncovers some of the heaviest baggage we carry, frees people to bring their whole - baggage and all - and by doing so, we allow God to fill our lives with peace. Our luggage affects us in ways we might be unaware of, but God invites us to release them and experience the freedom he created us for.

Week 1: The Baggage We Carry

Week 2: Unfulfilled Expectations

Week 3: The Pains of the Past

Week 4: Unhealthy View of Yourself

Week 1
We’ve All Got Baggage


Week 2
Unfulfilled Expectations

Week 3
How to Get Past Your Past


Week 4
What Do You See in the Mirror?


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