May 22, 2022
1 Week Standalone Theme

Series Overview: Stuck

Being stuck is one of the worst feelings in life. You feel stuck in your situation. Stuck in your job. Stuck in an environment you can’t change. Stuck on the scale. Stuck in difficult relationships. Stuck in thought loops. Maybe that we’re stuck in a place where we’re not satisfied with our faith journey? When we’re stuck we can feel like nothing will ever change, that we’ll be stuck forever. When we’re stuck we feel trapped, enslaved, fearful.

When we are stuck, we need someone to free us.

By the pools of Bethesda: “Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked.”

When we are stuck, God frees us.

God frees us through the work of Jesus, or sometimes God frees us through the work of other people.

Week 1
How Do I Get Unstuck?


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