January 8, 2023 - January 29, 2023
4 Week Series

Series Overview:
I’ve Been Meaning to Ask

We’ve crafted this worship series around the belief that voicing our questions - our toughest questions - actually tugs us forward in faith.

Some of the best conversations start with good questions, yet too often we refrain from asking the deepest questions of our hearts. Sometimes it’s out of fear for what we’ll hear and other times it because we don’t want to appear weak or ignorant.  When that cancer diagnosis strikes, we don’t really want to ask, “How long do I have to live?” In our families, when squabbles arise, we tend to avoid asking, “Hey, can we talk? Can we work this out?”

We all have questions we’ve been meaning to ask, but have never voiced out loud. Questions actually deepen our faith. Rather than drawing us from God, questions move us closer to discovering who God really is. Questions are the sign of a faith that is real and alive and curious. Questions tug us forward in faith.

Series Outline

Week 1: Am I enough for God?

Week 2: Do all religions lead to the same God?

Week 3: Is church and the Bible necessary?

Week 4: What about heaven and hell?


(We will be uploading video sermons and materials for download each week as they become available!)

Week 1


Week 2

Week 3


Week 4


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Relationship Reset


Get a New Life (Standalone New Year Theme)